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Fatso: Hello Bonebag (Pilot)

images edited by the wonderful echovelvet278


I dropped my suitcase by the door and looked around the foyer at the empty house. I ended up getting it for cheap and after I moved out of my exes place it was a welcome listing. It was beaten up, chunks of wall were missing exposing the small crawl spaces between the walls and the support structure holding the house up. Luckily, that was still intact.

I whistled as I closed the door looking around, the Kill Bill tune. I wandered through the archway next to me to find empty bookshelves lining the walls and a chandelier covered in the center of the room. The base connecting it to the ceiling was coming undone, another thing added to the list. I ran a hand along a shelf, picking up the dust along the way until a pile was swept onto the floor in a cloud. There was a chair at the end of the room facing out the window and I walked over, looking out to where this chair was looking. The backyard was bigger than I thought, could be big enough for a pool, but the fence was overgrown and decrepit and the grass would definitely need to be redone.

"I've got my work cut out for me - GAH!" I screamed as I turned around, my best friend having snuck up on me while I was peering out the window.

"Ooop, sorry." She said, placing her own suitcase on the ground.

"For a place so old, the floors are surprisingly quiet." I hold my hand against my chest trying to keep my heart from exploding.

"Well, old buildings like these have a pretty good foundation. Especially here. Plus this is some high quality wood right here." She says, stomping with her foot, another cloud of dust puffing into the air around her sneaker.

"You have no idea what you're talking about do you?" I cross my arms with a smirk.

"Of course not. Anyways, I'm surprised the moving truck isn't here." My phone started to buzz as she said this. The moving company logo popped up and I put it on speaker.


"Hey, is this Emerson? Sorry to bother you, but our dispatcher says that the unit you rented is going to need to be picked up in person. We had no idea that they were delivering to that address, we would have said no if we knew. So, you are going to need to come pick up the truck. We're refunding half of the cost and of course you'll get the full deposit, but that is one of our black out delivery locations." The woman on the other line didn't seem to take a breath as she said this.

"Oh, shit, okay. Um, well...we'll come get it then." I held my hands on my hips, maybe a little too visibly upset because Sherry looked concerned. The conversation on the phone finished and I slid it back into my pocket with a sigh.

"Okay, so I'll take care of the truck, you should get the lay of the land here," Sherry pushed her suitcase to the side of the room and winked on her way out before I could get a word in.

"Alrighty then. Just me and you." I said, looking up at the crown moulding. It was in surprisingly wonderful condition. I just hoped it was everywhere else so we could keep it.

I continued to whistle, browsing the empty cabinets in the kitchen, tapping the burnt out lightbulbs in the bathroom, and testing how creaky the bedroom doors were until I heard a thud in the hallway. Peering my head out of the master bedroom, I found the attic staircase having flopped open and the small staircase leading up to the dark square in the ceiling looked ominous. Of course, I was curious, and with how old this whole building was it could have just been a loose screw. Right?

I slowly crawled my way up the steps and poked my head into the hole. There was a small window towards the end letting in a beam of light making a floral cross over a pile of cardboard boxes. I never thought I would buy a house that had a creepy attic, but this one came right out of a horror movie. Empty dress forms covered in soot and cobwebs, cardboard boxes stacked high, a chest with a heavy metal lock keeping it closed, and even a desk with boxes of photos of old homeowners and guests inside.

"Wicked." I said with a smile. I took a seat at the desk and started shuffling through the photos. Tea colored images and straight faces repeated themselves one after another until I came across a group of brothers. Three of them all laughing in their morning coats and bowler hats.

"What a handsome trio." I looked through a couple more and found individual shots of all of them. None of them staged or monotonous, but full of life. "I bet you were fun." I said, staring at the image of a portly fellow before quickly turning around as a mannequin fell over and a draft seemed to blow the picture away.

"That's my cue." I packed up the photos that were left and returned them to their boxes, knowing I would be going through them some time in the future and as I crawled back down out of the attic I felt eyes on me. Then, a cool feeling touched my hand causing me to recoil and fall down into the hall. Sherry caught me before I fell over the banister and laughed at the mishap with a jingling set of keys in her hand.

It took us a while unpacking the truck, being the only two, until a friendly neighbor stopped by.

"Hey there, need some help? I just got back from work and thought you might need a hand." He asked. I kept my head down trying to make sure I had enough room to pick up a couple heavy boxes.

"Oh, it's just fine, I'm sure you've had a long day and - " I caught a glimpse of him through my legs and realized I had my ass facing him. He stood there with his hands on his hips ready to help and this man was gorgeous. I quickly stood up and spun around, leaning against some boxes only to have them tip over.

"Are you sure? I really don't mind." He was innocently smiling as I stumbled and I nodded.

"We'd love the help." I said.

"Yeah we would, this shit is heavy." Sherry walked by and picked up one of the toppled boxes. The stranger started assisting pretty fast and honestly it was good that he ended up showing up because it went much faster.

"So, are you two married?" He asked, sipping on a water bottle after the final box was inside.

"Oh no. He couldn't if he tried." Sherry choked on her water and laughed.

"I'm gay and she's just helping me fix the place up." I playfully kicked Sherry.

"Oh, great." The stranger was smiling as he took another sip, maintaining eye contact that made me feel warm.

"Well, I should head to bed. I'm exhausted." Sherry yawned. "Don't forget we're returning the truck tomorrow."

As she left the room, the stranger started to get up to leave, "Wait, I didn't catch your name."

"Oh," he chuckled, "It's Lance." He extended a hand which I may have shaken a little too long. He didn't seem to mind, he even got closer.

"Is there anything I can do to repay you for the help? I'm sure the water bottle isn't enough." He was standing so close to me I could feel his body heat.

"I think there just might be..."

Of course, I wasn't expecting to get my brains blown out by the hunk next door on the first night I stayed here, but I did. He fucked me on the sloppily made mattress surrounded by my bedroom boxes until we were both practically screaming and then we comfortably passed out next to each other as the fatigue from moving and a long work day took over us.

The following morning was met with blinding sunlight and a bit of movement at my feet. I pushed myself up onto my elbows and looked down at Lance who was naked and pointing towards the bathroom.

"Are you okay?" I asked, vision still a little blurry. As I rubbed my eyes I noticed that he looked terrified.

"I saw something in there. I touched my fucking cock." His voice was panicked.

"What?" I laughed, "Come back to bed, this is weird."

"Nah man, fuck this." He reached for his clothes and then suddenly toppled over onto the ground as though something had pushed him. He flipped over, his cock semi hard and I watched as it bounced to life. The tip pulsed open and I moved my hand to my mouth. Lance yelled as this invisible force tried to invade him, but then it stopped.

"Of course I don't fit." A voice groaned and suddenly I saw this thing become opaque. A large round ghost appeared out of thin air and slipped itself out of his cock and then flew directly towards his screaming throat.

Lance gurgled before suddenly gulping and then this man convulsed on the floor. His arms flicked from his sides and his chest puffed out and flexed. I was amazed watching the display before me, even getting hard as this spirit invaded his body. His head bounced and rolled until suddenly he was on his feet with a grin letting out a heavy and deep belch.

"Hello Bonebag." His voice had changed, deeper and goofier, definitely not matching his body. Maybe that was just because I had already heard his voice.

"Um, hello?" I said with an awkward wave.

"Are you okay?" He asked in awe.

"What do you mean? Are you okay?" I leaned forward over the bottom of the mattress and poked his stomach.

"Hey that tickles." He laughed a deep hearty laugh, reminding me of the men in the photos. "You're not afraid of me?" He asked with his eyes squinting.

"Should I be? I mean that was cool. I figured this house must be haunted, but I had no idea a real haunting would be like this. It's kind of hot." What was I even saying? Was I dreaming? Going insane? Maybe there was black mold here.

"Oh. wow. Maybe I'm just not being scary enough." He leaned into the bed, crawling over me with his deep and misaligned voice. He could feel the hard on as he pressed into me.

"I don't think that's it. This is just - I dunno - hot." I said.

"Oh." He tilted his head and pushed himself off.

"You're dead right? Why don't I show you a good time? I'm sure you get up to a bunch of fun on your own." I get up off the bed, and start looking through the box labelled 'closet' with a thick sharpie font.

"What made you say that?" He asked with a smirk.

"Hmm, the general translucency, the moving objects, the creepy house. C'mon, you've got to be. Plus, nothing else could really explain what I witnessed just now." I threw together an outfit and walked to the shower.

"I guess you're right on the money fleshie." He chuckled.

"You coming?" I asked, turning on the water in the bathroom to take a shower. "I think we're gonna have some fun together. What's your name?" I stood in the door frame.

"It's Fatso." He said, walking over to me with a grin and a blue glow in his eyes.

Sherry was spooning some cereal into her mouth when we ran by her, unable to hear the mumbling as we disappeared out the door. She was left with a mouth full of cheerios and milk sitting at the upside down empty cardboard box with her phone playing something from TikTok.

"Okay, let's get you a meal." I we hopped into the car.

"You know how to treat a big ghost like me right." He said, patting his stomach before buckling in. As I turned the key I noticed that Fatso was patting the abs on his stomach, pushing in the ghostly tummy belonging to the ghost inside. He chuckled as he sucked it back in and we were off.

I had no idea what I was getting into when we went to the mall food court. Hotdog after hotdog, burger after burger, then we moved on to bourbon chicken, Subway, even pizza.

"This bone bag can really pack it in." He said, patting his stomach again, only this time it was a bit more bloated than before. His abs were squares poking through his tank top and I laughed as I sipped on my soda.

"How is it?" I smiled.

"You know," He let out a loud belch that echoed through the food court and eyes turned towards us, "I really missed having a stomach." He sucked his teeth and I wiped away a bit of sauce lingering on his upper lip. He smiled and I noticed his eyes glowing slightly blue again.

"That's really you in there?" I rest my head on my palm and stared at him.

"Yeah, my brothers and I hold the longest running possession, but I think I might win with this one." He flexed his arms and let out another burp.

"You're funny." I laughed.

"You think so?" He seemed to blush.

"Your brothers aren't around?" I asked, taking another sip of the sofa.

"I've been taking a break. I really love scaring people, and I thought I might get you in that house by hopping into this hunk. I like to visit there, it's like a vacation home. I thought I could fit, but I always bite off more than I can chew." He shrugged.

"I thought you did just fine." I was biting on the tip of my straw.

"Well thank you." He said, puffing out his chest and grinning with a rush of confidence.

"Maybe we should go out and have some fun. I know a couple of places we could go and dance." I stood up after checking the time. I extended a hand and pulled him with me as he shoved the last few bits of food into his mouth.

By the time we got to the row of clubs in the heart of downtown it was pretty late. We walked, knowing we wouldn't find parking and letting ourselves get distracted long the way. I was enjoying this ghost's company and something about him inhabiting my neighbor was extremely hot.

"This is Pepper's and there's a couple of places here that you might like."

"The last time I enjoyed music this much I got kicked out of my fleshies' body." Fatso was trying very hard not to enjoy the music as we walked in and I pulled him into me.

"Look at me," I said, staring into his eyes, "it's okay to enjoy it. Just use it to influence your movements." I started to dance near him and he hesitantly started to copy. He closed his eyes, moving his arms around and even doing a little jig that was definitely not popular in this time period. I laughed and he smiled with me, dancing some more and feel more comfortable in his skin than I had ever seen. He got so into it, he jumped onto the stage as the light shifted to a beautiful blue. Not unlike the color of his eyes. He grabbed the pole, spinning around it and sliding onto his knees. As he flipped around, kicking into the air he looked back at me and then invited me to him. Fatso's face popped out of his and I couldn't control myself, crawling up onto the stage with him and dancing on the LED stage.

Other's joined us on stage, a group amassing there and dancing to the beat. Fatso and I got closer until we were grinding against each other and I could feel his lips pressing against mine.

The combination of the music and the kiss and the hard on stimulated by the grinding must have been too much because he backed away from me and started to shake. As the beat pumped through the room his face popped out and then back in, especially when the bass was full and loud. His arms flailed and he kicked people out of the way and started to dance wildly towards the exit. I rushed after him until we were outside and suddenly he was almost throwing him up, screaming on the way out followed by that booming laughter.

"What the fuck?" He said, looking at the ghost in front of him. It took him a moment to realize what it was and then screamed. Terrified, he ran away, tripping over a recently emptied garbage bin and then running into a pole.

Fatso chuckled, "Love to see their reaction." He watched my neighbor run away.

"Me too." I say standing next to him, "What do you say we get you another hunk of flesh? A fleshy, was it?" I said, patting his belly which made him giggle. This time I could see the blush, a dark blue rushing into his cheeks.

"That sounds like a party to me." He grins.


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love getting to see two amazing artists coming together. was DEFINITELY a treat🤗



Would absolutely love this series!

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