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Writer's pictureTakeoverTales

14. Battery

I got a notification on my phone while I was out running errands that there was an error with my ER-IK. I put back one of the two types of toilet paper and tossed the other one into the cart before heading to check out. I was worried he got stuck somewhere like outside of the house. A lot of others kept him dressed up in the white button up shirt and slacks that were sent with him, but enjoyed seeing the details of the product.

By the time I got home, I was thankful that there was no outside work being done today. I noticed someone sitting in the chair and I grabbed the paper bags in the back seat and carried them inside, finding the ER-IK with his eyes open and cold skin.

I pushed the bags onto the counter and went to see what was up. Once I was close enough he lift up his head and announced he was out of battery in a lifeless tone. This was the default voice and I helped him up, using the last of his battery life to guide him to his charger. There was a seat by the edge of the counter with a short metal rod sticking out of the seat. I always loved this design, would use it myself if I wasn't afraid of electrocution.

"Well, since we're already here," I said to his blank eyes. Standing him up, I pushed a soft spot on the back of his neck and he opened up, an entry point for me to take manual control of the ER-IK. I climbed right inside and let the opening in the back close up behind me once I got comfortable.

"There we go. I'll just take you for a spin and then get you charged right up." I was stretching, returning to the groceries on the counter, but now with the body of my droid. I managed to do quite a bit inside of him, using his strength to get a few things done that I may have not been able to do outside of his body. The day came to a close and I actually felt like it was relatively fulfilling. I spent some time using this cock and really enjoying my reflection in the mirror while doing so before returning to kitchen. I hopped right out and then positioned him over the seat with the rod, pushing him down so that the metal bit slid up his ass like a dildo. His eyes started to glow slightly and he sat straight as his battery started charging.

"Alright, there we go. More fun tomorrow." I played with his cock a bit before calling it a night.

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