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AJATHS: New Generation

The disease spread like wildfire. At first it was just a couple of bugs getting sick and dying off, but then suddenly that number multiplied exponentially and from there only getting worse until eventually the hosts were being affected too. It didn't take long for people to start to notice the blue lines along the faces of the husks so the government thought it was a new disease. They studied the correlation between the "infected" and noticed it was only men. Then suddenly it was gone. Husks had died off and just as quickly as the blue lines disappeared so did the creatures.

Except one - a straggler that burrowed underground to wait out the storm that was brewing above it. The Earth had returned to normal, and this blue vein threat was no longer the headline on the news but the creature remained, waiting for the right time to make an appearance.


"Order for Jasmine." The barista yelled over the counter as he slid a coffee cup across the pick-up counter. The individual it belonged to swiped it while tapping at her phone and then disappeared out the door. I was sitting in the corner off the coffee shop with my laptop, typing away with a few of the tabs opened to some articles about blue vein disease. I was writing a research paper on the disease and it's connection to men as well as the type of men that contracted the lines on their faces, but most of the time I was met with skepticism when I brought it up in conversation. People were polarized about the disease, saying that gay men caused it and that god was punishing them. Others thought it was just coincidence, high powered men were suddenly all sick since they were all in the same social circles.

I sipped my coffee and clicked through some links on the web, occasionally stopping to read an article here or there just to fill the time. As I typed away, I noticed a man walk in, tall and ripped. This is the kind of guy that I wish would just sweep me away and let me worship him.

"I'll just get a black coffee." He said, looking down at his phone. The barista took the order on the computer and he moved over to the waiting area, all the while his eyes were glued to his phone. I was peering over the top of my computer, watching how his shirt moved against his muscles as he leaned up against the wall. Out of nowhere, he looked up and we locked eyes.

I just as quickly averted my gaze, looking down at my keyboard and then open and closing some browsers to make him believe I wasn't staring, but in fact just looking at my computer with lust. He smirked, and looked back down at his phone. The coffee shop wasn't particularly busy on the inside, but the drive through line was about five cars too long for the parking lot which meant that it was only me and the handsome gentleman across the café.

"Mark." The cardboard cup slid across the counter. The barista went back to work, wiping off the counters and prepping the next drink order to keep things rolling. I noticed that underneath the counter there was something that looked like a spider. A bug of some sort, that was actually rather large. My initial feelings were worry, I didn't want it to get squashed by the hulking man I was getting a hard on for, but then my feelings turned into fear as it crawled out from underneath. With his eyes still on the handheld screen, Mark reached forward, grabbed his cup of black coffee, and brought it to his mouth. Without even realizing it, the bug had crawled onto the cup and was now being brought to his lips. I gasped as Mark opened his mouth and the bug jumped, its legs pulling at his lips to open them a little wider and then quickly catapulting farther into his throat. He didn't say anything, only widened his eyes as he clutched his phone and almost dropped the coffee. He did gag as air escaped around the small creature that was now burrowing into him, but that was the extent of the noises he made until he closed his eyes and took a deep inhale. He closed his eyes as if he were in pain and his breathing returned to normal, his phone now almost broken from the muscle spasms.

"Are you okay, dude?" The barista was steaming some milk and Mark nodded. He put the coffee back on the counter and walked off to the restroom. Quickly, I gathered all of my things together and packed them away in my backpack before heading into the restroom with him. I wasn’t really sure what had come over me to decide to do this, maybe it was just curiosity and I was definitely intrigued. I closed the door and locked it to ensure that no one entered and then I walked around the wall to find him standing in front of the mirror. He had opened his shirt and was admiring his reflection. The fabric around his biceps stretched as he flexed his arms above his head and then he noticed my reflection.

"Hello, human. I saw you watching me." The creature had been aware of me since I walked into the coffee shop. He had crawled around me and had seen some of what I was looking at on my computer which included what I didn’t know at the time was his history. The creature had also taken note of the worry I displayed on my face when I noticed it clinging to the underside of the pick-up counter.

"I'm sorry. I don't know what made me come in here. I just - "

"No need to explain yourself. I'm Remi." He held out his strong arm in greeting. I grabbed it and he shook it. I thought his name was Mark.

"I’m not super sure what just happened out there, but I’m assuming you’re not Mark. At least not up here.” I tapped my head and then second guessed where I should really be tapping since this creature could be anywhere in his massive body. He only smiled.

"You remind me of someone I met only in passing. He had left quite the impression on me. An old friend of the people who had spawned me, he was very close to them. You have the same eyes, filled with care. You don't care about this husk," He slid his arms down his shirt after the last button was placed in the hole, "although, I can tell he turns you on, but there is something more about you." He turned away from the mirror and was now facing me. I was tall myself, but he was a few inches taller. The cologne he was wearing wafted into my nose and my eyes almost fluttered.

"Would you like to come over to my place?" I asked.

"I would be happy to. I'm sure you have lots of questions which I will readily answer. It's been quite some time since I've been in a human and even interacted with one, and I'm sure you can put the pieces together about what happened to my kind based on what you’ve been researching." He nodded, moved to the door and unlocked it.

The door to my apartment creaked open and I welcomed him inside. The furniture was neatly arranged and the decoration, while simple, made it look sleek. I placed my stuff on a chair near the entrance and then followed him into my living room. He had begun to unbuckle his pants and then slid them down to his ankles, releasing his monster cock from underneath. He really was big everywhere. While I was in shock, I was still intrigued and watched as he sat down on my sofa. With his jaw open, he gagged for a moment and then the creature I had seen enter him before was now crawling back up out of his mouth. He didn't freak out this time, instead he reached up, held out his hand for the bug, and brought it down to his cock.

"I'm hungry. I hope you don't mind. It's been a long time." Mark said as he held the bug. It was odd, but I watched intently as suddenly Mark began to orgasm. His cock throbbed and his balls churned as he was spewed his own juices onto his stomach. Remi darted to each of the pools of cum and devoured them, all the while Mark was flexing his body as pleasure rushed through him.

“He tastes good.” Mark said, his whole body pulsing. I managed to understand that the bug was still in control, even when not in his body so even if it was Mark, really Remi was using him to speak.

“How do you do that?” I leaned in closer. Mark picked up the bug and brought him up to his lips and like before he jumped in only there was no resistance this time. Mark took him in like that’s where he belonged.

”I take control of the host through their brain. A temporary takeover means I attach to their brain. I absorb their memories and once I leave they are left to themselves. They will always have a slight longing for me inside of them, but they will still have free will.”

”What is considered a permanent takeover then?”

“Instead of attaching to their brain, I consume it. In most men it tastes the same as their reproductive juices just more top tier like a more expensive slice of meat.“

”Oh do they die?”

”No. Not at all. I only consume the part of the brain that controls motor function and then replace it with a substance my original form creates. This allows me to control hosts from a distance if need be and also makes them shells for others like me. They will continue to act as I wish, which is mostly the same as before to blend in. I only do this to bad people though.”

”Is he bad?”

”He was. He stole money from the gym he works at and is abusive when it comes to romantic relationships. He doesn’t even consider them romantic, he’s just someone who needs a hole to fill. Now with me in control, he’ll be a much better person, hopefully one someone like you could end up liking.” He placed his hand on my leg and then moved his finger to my bulge.

”I’m not sure how to react to be very honest.” I said, leaning back ever so slightly as Mark moved closer.

”Do you mind if I try you?” He asked, staring at me from below. He had started unbuckling my pants and pulled them down. I nodded. He lit up and as he wrapped his mouth around my cock and I felt the slightest tingle. Remi was already back up his throat and excited to feed. As he bobbed his head, I gripped the sides of the chair I was sitting on and writhed underneath him. He reached up and grabbed my hands to place on the back of his head and I stared down at this hulking mass of a man as he sucked my cock with such finesse that suddenly I found myself pulling myself in and out of his mouth. The creature had already begun lapping up my pre-cum and then I felt the rush of pleasure as my dick exploded. With his mouth still around my cock, it felt like the creature was sucking on just the tip, and I arched my back under him as he consumed my liquid.

”You taste even better. Pure.” Remi was very pleased with the meal he had received and Mark looked so fucking hot adjusting himself on the sofa with Remi in control.

“I am happy to provide.” Beads of sweat were rolling down the side of my face and I was in a state of ecstasy.

”I would like to ask for your assistance.” He said, we had both managed to position ourselves together into a cuddle on the same sofa. At this point, I was ready and up for anything.

”What can I help you with?” I smiled, my index finger circled an area on his chest.

”I’d like to see if there are any others of my species still left on earth. I have an idea of where they would be hiding, if they’re even still alive. It would be nice to have you there.” He smiled.

”I’d be happy to.”

“There is someone at the gym this body works at that I would like us to have under control just in case we need it. I don’t anticipate us being the only non-human guests of Earth.” He pulled out his phone and started texting. One of the people he texted was his girlfriend, telling her he wasn’t going to be able to see her for a while. The other was one of the guys he trained, another meathead who was in on the money grabbing scheme and a blatant gym rat homophobe at his gym. I returned my clothes to my body and started towards the door.

”Ready when you are.” I smiled, grabbed my keys to my car and stood ready to help.

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